Archives of Nethys

Pathfinder RPG (1st Edition) Starfinder RPG Pathfinder RPG (2nd Edition)

Mechs | Terrestrial Vehicles | Starships | Vehicle Modifications

Adamantine Plating

These adamantine-alloy plates augment the vehicle’s exterior defenses, increasing the vehicle’s hardness by an amount based on the modification’s model.

Adamantine Plating, Mk 1 - Level 3

Source Tech Revolution pg. 80
Price 1,500
Increase hardness by 2.

Adamantine Plating, Mk 2 - Level 9

Source Tech Revolution pg. 80
Price 14,000
Increase hardness by 4.

Adamantine Plating, Mk 3 - Level 20

Source Tech Revolution pg. 80
Price 800,000
Increase hardness by 10.